Kingdom of God

In Alexis de Tocqueville’s ‘Democracy in America’ he explained the America was different and able to build a government that protected rights because, “every citizen.. is taught, the doctrines and the evidences of his religion.”(p289).

Christians have been praying, “Thy Kingdom come” for a millennia because they look forward to the government that will protect every person, every sect, and all people upon the face of the whole earth, in their legal rights. Every government has fallen short of this ideal and Tree of Liberty is working to build a culture and a society that can and will live up to this standard. As we better understand the principles taught about the Kingdom of God, the better we’ll be able to apply its principles.


“But with all its glory and greatness and perfection, it [the US Constitution] was only a steppingstone to a form of government infinitely greater and more perfect.” (Orson Pratt, JD 7:215)

The Kingdom of God when established will not be for the protection of [one church] alone, but for the protection of all men, whatever their religious views or opinions may be. Under its rule, no one will be permitted to overstep the proper bounds or to interfere with the rights of others.” (George Q. Cannon, JD 6:342)

[The Kingdom of God] will throw their protecting arms around the whole human family, protecting them in their rights. If they wish to worship a white dog, they will have the privilege, if they wish to worship the sun, they will have the privilege, if they wish to worship a man they will have the privilege, if they wish to worship the “unknown God” they will have the privilege. This kingdom will circumscribe them all and will issue laws and ordinances to protect them in their rights – every right that every people, sect and person can enjoy, and the full liberty that God has granted to them without molestation.” (Brigham Young, JD 7:382)


Foundations of the Kingdom Daniel Saw In Vision


Quick Overview

What the Council Started To Look Like In Practice

Additional Resources

Why Don’t We Have The Kingdom In Operation Today?

It is said that we don’t because, the kingdoms of the devil are so prevalent upon the land and the weaknesses of the Saints are so evident that God could not establish it in its power. Click below to learn more about the “Kingdoms of the devil” and what they are doing to try and stop us from building the Kingdom of God.

Secret Combinations