Should Christians Submit To The Government?

Question: Do “good” Christians believe in obeying any “law” a secular government passes?

Some Christian sects have been taught for centuries that the Bible teaches us to obey the government no matter what because of Romans 13.  But, is this how early Christian’s applied the Bible?

Does this mean Daniel was wicked and the King justified in throwing Daniel in the Lion’s den? Should Jesus the Christ have been given to Herod for him to murder? Were the American Founding Fathers wicked for not subjecting themselves to the King?  Should Jesus the Christ have been given to Herod for him to murder? Was it wrong for the mother of Jesus and her husband Joseph to hide the young Jesus from Herod and do their part to ensure the preservation of the fulfillment of the atonement?

What implications does the answers to these questions have in our actions within the liberty movement?

Please watch and share this important documentary, Should Christians Submit To The Government? to help more lovers of liberty come to the truth of this important principle and that we can all reason together the importance of the idea, “Rebellion to tyrants, is obedience to God”.



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