Years in the making, INVASION How the Conspiracy Has Infiltrated Your Community Vol 1 is being released Tuesday September 27th 2922.

You can get your FREE eBook edition by subscribing to our email list. I will send out the eBooks on the 27th. Physical copies will be available the 27th as well.

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One Response

  1. Have met Ammon Bundy and fully support him. Bullies at the hospital in Boise are trying to destroy the man. I am a member of the John Birch Society, former staff reporter of the Wall Street Journal serving in the paper’s Detroit bureau. Later I became a foreign trade reporter of the now defunct Journal of Commerce in New York where I witnessed the destruction of America’s industrial base. I am a retired 1st Lt. Army Signal Corps. with a top Secret/crypto security clearance. Trained as a Communications Center Officer I served in West Germany at the start of the Cuban missile crisis in October 1962. I was privileged to serve under an Army captain who earlier served in the White House during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. He ran the communications center In the White House basement. I am 86 years old, published a tiny conservative newspaper in Connecticut back in the 80’s because of media censorship. It failed over lack of money. I am now retired and live in Mackay Idaho (population 517 and 6,000 feet above sea level) with my wife Violet and three cats.

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