The New World Order Invades Idaho

Many of you are aware of my presentation on how the global conspiracy invaded Utah. Using Utah as the case study, one can follow a simple pattern to identify the conspirators in your local community. In this presentation for Stand Up For Idaho, given the 8th of February 2023, I use this case study to show how this same international conspiracy has begun its invasion of Idaho. Please share this, and use it as a tool to help identify the conspirators in your community.




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3 Responses

  1. I don’t know how many of you know that many church leaders love and support Brent Scrowcroft. He is a leader in New World Order. At least he was but I think he is dead now. Watch this video on yourtube: Mormon prophet Thomas S Monson endorces Clinton & the New World Order leader Brent Scowcroft If this isn’t wickedness within the church then I don’t know what is. I have heard that the Rhodes Scholar is an evil thing much like the Skull and bones. Guess who is a Rhodes Scholar? Next to command: Dallin Oaks. Anyone who can tell me if Rhodes Scholar is for real a dark society please let me know.

    1. Robert D. Hales was a member of Skull and Bones. Russell M. Nelson is a member of Skull and Bones and Owl and Key. Gerritt Gong was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in the 80’s.

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